This book, one from a series, is written by late Iraj Afshar with the cooperation of Irānnāz Kāshiān. Moasseyē Xānēyē kētāb has published this book. "A Bibliography of Bibliographies on Iranian Studies " is one of the most important sources on Iranian Studies
The third volume of The Encyclopaedia of Iranian Folklore has been published under the supervision of Kazem Musavi Bojurdi, head of The Centre for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia and scientifically edited by Muhamad Jaafari (Ghanavati) and Asghar Karimi.
This volume of Encyclopaedia Islamica is the fifth of a projected 16-volume publication, consisting of an abridged and edited translation of the Persian Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif-i Buzurg-i Islāmī, one of the most comprehensive sources on Islam and the Muslim world
The 22nd volume of The Great Islamic Encyclopaedia features entries about Iran and Islam written by prominent scholars. This volume which is chief edited by Seyyed Kazem Musavi Bojnoudi has been published by The Centre for The Great Islamic Encyclopaedia.
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